6th-12th Grade

Whoever you are, wherever you're from, you are welcome here.

A place where you can be you! Join Boundless Youth Ministry for weekly youth group on Wednesday evenings, fun events such as pool parties, death ball, dodgeball, archery, and skating, or just for
some laughs and friendship!  We also have discipleship classes, summer camps, and so much more for your  journey into adulthood.

You are loved beyond measure. Ephesians3:19

Student Calendar 

Wednesdays 6:00 - 8:00 pm

Come hang out and have some fun every Wednesday.
Students begin arriving between 6:00-6:30 and just hang out or play some games. Each Wednesday can look a little different so be sure to check out our calendar of events to ensure we aren't out having fun somewhere! 

Join us on  FACEBOOK!!
Check out our Youth Service Sunday video above to see what Boundless Youth is all about!! 

Equipping Students for Success

Contact Information

Executive Pastor of NextGen Ministries - eward@boundlesschurch.org
Decatur Youth Director - Stephanie Simerman, ssimerman@boundlesschurch.org
New Haven Youth Director-Daniel Stirratt, dstirratt99@cgnaz.org

Stephanie Simerman has been in youth ministry for 14 years and has been the youth director at Boundless Decatur for the past three years. She holds a BS in Psychology with a minor in Church Ministry. She is a certified life coach and enjoys watching God grow others into the men and women he created them to be. She is the mom to six grown men, one daughter, two DIL's, and two precious granddaughters. Her work is her passion but family is everything!

Daniel Stirratt is the New Haven Boundless Youth Director. He and his wife, Shelbie, have a beautiful little girl and love serving in youth ministry  together while also holding jobs and going back to school. Daniel loves having fun and preaching the gospel whenever he gets the chance! You can contact Daniel at dstirratt99@cgnaz.org. 

Please be in prayer for our youth, they need us beside them on this journey!!  
If you have a heart for youth and have been a part of Boundless for 6+ months , please contact Stephanie at ssimerman@cgnaz.org to learn more.