God's Word

Your word is a lamp to guide my feet
      and a light for my path.

Psalm 119:105

Boundless Groups  is our small group ministry.  Boundless Groups  are built to allow participants to study God's Word while building friendships.  You won't be asked to read or pray out loud, but you're welcome to volunteer if you would like to.  While we go deep into God's Word, we create a safe and friendly environment where you will never feel embarrassed.

Classes are held three times a year for 8 to 12 weeks depending on the semester.  A variety of topics are available. Classes meet on a variety of nights and times, so finding a class that meets your schedule is pretty easy.


Spring Semester

February to April

Summer Semester

June to August
Typically a shorter semester

Fall Semester

October to December

Types of Classes Offered


These classes are aimed at growing your spiritual life.

Life Stages

These classes are formed around ages or life stages such as youth, singles, senior adults, etc.

Bible Study

These classes study various books or topics in the Bible.

Marriage and Family

These classes study issues relevant to family life. Consistently Bible-based, but targeted.


These classes focus on developing Christian leaders.

Upcoming Semester - Fall 2024

Get ready to join a small group as Boundless Groups return in Fall  2024. Register below.  If you want to help in Boundless Groups leadership, click the "I Want To Help" button.


Fill out the form below to register for a Boundless Group.  Classes begin the week of  September 15, 2024.